How to use?
All my wings have an U-shape base. You just put the U-shape behind your bra strap, thight dress/top or best option a corset.
How to install
Most sets will contain multi pieces of wings, all wings of one side will be taped together. Allign the lower pieces of the u-shape on top of each other and tape them together.
What is the difference between RTS and RTBM
RTS means Ready to ship, these wings are pre made and ready to go.
RTBM means Ready to be made, the frames are in stock but need to be finished. This means there is a possibilty to be custom made. (Colour/foil) Custom made products can not be returned.
When will the wings be shipped?
All wings listed on the webshop are in stock(unless it is a pre-order), this means the metal base frame is ready to be made into wings. The process of making the wings can take up to 2-4 working days. Normally I ship twice a week, mostly Wednesday and Friday.
How will the wings be shipped?
All wings will be shipped in a flat cardboard box. They are wrapped in bubble wrap, taped down to the inside of the box and even fastened with a tie wrap to prefend any friction/movement during shipping. We try to ship the wings as secure as possible, but ofcourse sometimes they mess up during shipping. Please send me message straight away when your wings are damaged during shipping.
How long does it take to arrive?
This really depends on where the wings are shipped to. We are based in the Netherlands, so within Europe it mostly takes around 5/6 working days. US/Canada/Australia can take up to 15/25 working days, also it depends if there are any holidays or big celebrations.
You will always recieve a tracking number after the wings are shipped.
How to store
When the wings are not used you want to store them as secure as possible.
You can hang them upside down on a hook to your wall, use a kitchen handle to keep them straight up. Or you can lay them flat on a flat surface. Please keep in mind that bending the metal many times it can cause them to snap.
How to maintain
Especially the disney fairy wings have pointy tips that are possible to crease while wearing. If you have small creases you can ‘repair’ it yourself. All you need is a ironing board, a iron or hair dryer and a dishcloth. Place the creased part on the ironing board and cover it with a dishcloth. Put the iron on as cold as possible, don’t keep the iron or hair dryer on one place! Otherwise the vinyl will melt!